What Are the Severe Ailment Conditions Covered by Disability Law?

The laws surrounding disability are crucial for those with impairments and their loved ones to understand. This guide will explore the basics of disability law, focusing on the specific conditions it covers and the legal rights and protections it offers to individuals with disabilities.

Understanding the Basics of Disability Law

The primary purpose of disability law is to provide equal opportunities and safeguard the rights of people with disabilities. Here’s a closer look at the basic elements of disability law:

  1. Objective of Disability Law: The main goal of disability law is to prohibit unlawful discrimination against individuals due to their disabilities. It aims to ensure that disabled people enjoy the same rights and opportunities as the rest of society.
  2. Scope of Disability Law: Disability law encompasses many aspects, including employment, housing, education, and public services. It applies to public and private sectors, ensuring inclusive and fair treatment.
  3. Protections Provided by Disability Law: Disability laws offer protection against direct and indirect discrimination, harassment, and victimization related to disability. They mandate reasonable adjustments in various settings to cater to the individual needs of people with disabilities.
  4. Enforcing Disability Law: Various agencies and courts are responsible for enforcing disability laws and redressing disability-related discrimination grievances. Individuals can file a complaint or lawsuit if they believe their rights under disability laws have been violated.

The Legal Definition of Disability

Understanding the legal definition of disability is a critical step in navigating disability law. Generally, the legal system looks at three main aspects when considering if a condition qualifies as a disability:

  1. Nature of the Condition: This involves understanding the medical diagnosis of an individual’s condition. Conditions can range from physical impairments such as paralysis to mental health conditions such as severe depression or anxiety.
  2. Duration and Impact: The law considers the duration of the condition, whether it is temporary or permanent, and how much it impacts an individual’s daily life. Chronic conditions that limit an individual’s ability to engage in basic life activities often meet the legal definition of disability.
  3. Manageability or Correctability: The law assesses whether the condition can be managed or corrected through medical interventions or therapy. If a condition cannot be adjusted or corrected and significantly impacts life activities, it is more likely to be recognized as a disability.

Severe Ailment Conditions Covered Under Disability Law

Disability law covers a wide range of physical disabilities, mental health conditions, chronic illnesses, and intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Physical Disabilities

  • From paralysis to limb deformities, numerous physical disabilities are recognized under the law.
  • Physical disabilities are evaluated based on their severity and restrictions on an individual’s normal functioning. Asthma Disability Advocates emphasize that severe cases of Asthma can also qualify for Social Security disability for Asthma.

Mental Health Conditions

  • Mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, severe depression, and PTSD can qualify as disabilities under the law.
  • These conditions are evaluated based on their impact on an individual’s daily life and functioning.

Chronic Illnesses

  • Chronic illnesses that can qualify as disabilities include conditions such as heart disease, kidney disease, and some forms of cancer. 
  • Renal Failure Disability provisions, for instance, allow those with end-stage renal disease to apply for Social Security benefits for end stage renal disease patients.

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

  • Intellectual disabilities, such as Down Syndrome, and developmental disabilities, like Autism, are covered under disability law.
  • The law evaluates these conditions based on their impact on an individual’s intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior.

The Disability Determination Process

Applying for disability benefits involves submitting an initial application and a medical eligibility assessment. The last part of the process is determining the ability to work. Despite coping with Fibromyalgia Disability, individuals still have the potential to qualify for benefits if they understand how you can get disability benefits for fibromyalgia.

Legal Rights and Protections for Individuals With Disabilities

The disability law provides individuals with various rights and protections to ensure equal opportunities and prevent discrimination. Below are some of the key legal rights and protections:

  1. Right to Non-Discrimination: This is a fundamental right that seeks to prohibit direct and indirect discrimination based on a person’s disability. This applies to all areas of societal participation, including but not limited to employment, education, and access to services and facilities.
  2. Accessibility Rights: Individuals with disabilities have the right to the same level of access to services, facilities, and information as those without disabilities. This may involve providing reasonable adjustments, such as wheelchair access, hearing loops, or information in accessible formats.
  3. Right to Equal Opportunities: The law ensures that individuals with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in all aspects of life in the community, including work, education, and recreational activities.
  4. Confidentiality Rights: Individuals with disabilities can keep their disability status and medical information private. It is generally illegal for employers, educational institutions, service providers, or other entities to disclose this information without the individual’s explicit consent.


Disability law plays a crucial role in protecting individuals with disabilities from discrimination while ensuring equal opportunities. By understanding key aspects like the legal definition of disability and the related rights and protections, individuals and their loved ones can better navigate the complexities of disability law and ensure their rights are upheld.