Guide to Passing the Medical Exams Required to Immigrate in Canada

You’re thinking about moving to Canada or getting a work or study visa. Before you can enter Canada, you may be required to pass a medical examination by theImmigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Most permanent residency applications and specific temporary residency applications, such as those for workers, students, or tourists, need a passing score on this exam.

FAQs on Immigration Medical Exam

This page goes into great detail on the medical exams necessary for Canadian Immigration. Here are some questions and answers for you to get started.


What is the purpose of a medical exam?

An immigration medical examination is conducted by a panel physician who has been authorized by the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada to check a person’s health (IRCC). The test evaluates whether a person’s entrance into Canada should be rejected for medical reasons.


The following procedures will be performed during an IRCC-approved medical examination:

  • A medical history exam
  • A physical exam
  • Your panel physician may order more tests.

If your doctor wants further information, you may be sent to a specialist for testing. You may bring a chaperone to your appointment if you choose.


Bring valid identification (a passport or other government-issued identification) and medical information (a list of drugs you’re taking, eyeglasses, etc.) to your medical examination. You may bring your medical test with you when applying for several Canadian immigration programs. Others will request that you take the exam after submitting your application.

Why does Canada require it?

The main goal of the medical exam is to determine whether or not a person is medically fit to enter Canada. A person’s immigration application may be refused if they constitute a danger to public health or safety or if their medical condition threatens to deplete the Canadian healthcare system.


Do you need an international medical examination for yourself, a family member, or a close friend? Click here for more information.


Who needs an International Medical Exam?

Different restrictions apply depending on whether a person desires temporary (workers, students, and tourists) or permanent residency.


Temporary residents are those who remain for less than six months. Unless you work in a specialized field, a medical checkup should not be required. Occupations that need you to consider public health, such as those that require you to interact with people often, are examples of these jobs.


All permanent residents must pass medical examinations, including their spouses, partners, and dependent children.


Which doctor should you see?

An IRCC-approved panel physician may only complete your exam. Because your doctor cannot conduct the examination, it cannot be completed (unless you are listed as a panel physician, which is unlikely). The IRCC may be able to assist you in locating a panel physician in your region.


Looking for qualified Panel Physicians in Brampton? Check them here.


How long does the result remain valid?

An IRCC medical examination’s findings are valid for a year from the examination date. If your results are older than this, you will have to repeat the exam.

Complete Immigration Medical Centre will provide you with instructions on when to get your medical exam done.